Bharati Mukherjee Character Analysis

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Bharati Mukherjee spent most of hertime in the United States and Canada since 1961, teaching at universities and colleges, writing various research articles, eight novels, two nonfiction books, four short story collections and earning degrees. She lived in Canada from 1966 to 1980. Bharati Mukherjee described herself as a ‘Hindu Bengali Brahmin’ who was born in Calcutta on 27th July 1940. She maintained her attachment with her religion, beliefs and race living at United States and Canada. Various famous and remarkable novels has written by Bharati Mukherjee those have both the portrait of a contemporary American story of a woman and a traditional Indian Brahmin family who still remains tied to her native nation even after broken with tradition…show more content…
The titular narrator in the novel, also known as Jyoti, Jase or Jane, passes through one condition and nation to another and so is her inner self born again various times towards a higher level, until she finally seems to have found a place to rest. Jasmine experiences many circumstances that bring violence with them, during the whole novel. She is not always the subject of these circumstances, but they are always related with her. It is physical as well as mental violence that affects Jasmine’s further way of life and forces her to be reborn as a different person. The rough images that Mukherjee draws of severe moments reveal the psychological torture that comes with the replaces of life and culture that Jasmine experiences. The present research paper is aimed at understanding the behavior, struggle and fight against traditions of woman Indian society by emphasizing the shifts in Culture and Identity in Bharati Mukherjee’s remarkable novel, Jasmine. The novel is one of her most renowned and meaningful novels which shows to us a powerful woman who fights against to be led by others. The credit goes to Bharati Mukherjee for provide a new direction and voice to the female’s literature in English. Most of the times her female characters (protagonists) are of Indian origin, struggling in search of their identity and find their self in the trap of identity crises. With the help of their female characters she has presented the concept ‘New Woman’ which may be considered the emotional segregation of women and man, which brought about and led to the development of a specifically female world. The novel Jasmine deals with in which the protagonist shows a strong appose against the feudal traditions and superstitions in an

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