Better Than Human Analysis

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Perhaps one of harshest realities that has ever faced humankind is the likelihood of losing one’s job. Kevin Kelly, in Better Than Human asserts that, by the end of the century, robots will obtain a whopping 70% of jobs. To gain a greater understanding of this, one can look to history. Some 200 years ago, at the time of the industrial revolution, it is believed that 70% of the population in America worked on farm. Currently the jobs that were being done by humans back then have now been taken over by the machines and only 1% still remains. What is particularly fascinating; after jobs were taken over by the machines in the farms, humans went ahead and invented new fields, which created millions of jobs (Kelly, 2014). Kelly claims that 70% of the current jobs will be taken away by the new second generation of automation by the end of the century. Kelly further points out; “This upheaval is being led by a second wave of automation, one that is centered on artificial cognition, cheap sensors, machine learning, and distributed smarts” (Kelly, 2014). This new wave will incorporate all areas in the job sector. Kelly expects that machines will…show more content…
This, in any normal scenario, would create worry for the humans. As previously mentioned, regarding the vast majority of Americans who worked in agriculture, this article states “It may be hard to believe, but before the end of this century, 70 percent of today’s occupations will likewise be replaced by automation.” Bearing this in mind, a question comes up, are we supposed to be worried? Kelly’s point of view is that there is no need to be worried. Rather, we should celebrate and embrace this instead. We ought to acknowledge that these robots are coming to assist us in various ways. They will be doing jobs that human beings can’t do. They will be lifting more weights, and moreover, they will be creating millions of jobs in

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