Beowulf True Hero

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Hero’s take part in many of the texts that are seen in Unit 1. Do you ever ask yourself in your head “What makes a true hero?” Everyone has their own definition of what a true hero is to them. A hero doesn’t have to be a knight in shining armor; a hero to someone could simply be his or her grandpa. A true hero may not be completely unselfish or perfect; however, a true hero is someone whom: has qualities such as bravery and courage, they go out of their way to make a difference in someone’s life, and they will always try to do the right thing. In the poem Beowulf, Beowulf demonstrates many traits that the common hero should have. Beowulf fights off Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon because the King of the Danes, Hrothgar, and his people needed him too. Beowulf was doing the right thing and making a difference in many people’s lives. Before Beowulf battles the…show more content…
The Green Knight challenges King Arthur to his challenge and you can see how Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Sir Gawain posses the quality courage when he says, “I beseech you, Sire, / Let this game be mine” (118-119). Sir Gawain shows his courage here because he’s willing to risk his life so King Arthur doesn’t have to. Now to risk one’s life that is beyond courageous! Sir Gawain possesses many wonderful qualities; however, he isn’t perfect. Sir Gawain says, “I can’t deny my guilt …” (362). Sir Gawain was afraid; as a result, he made a deal and acted untrustworthy for a knight; however, he is admitting to making a mistake. The conversation carries on as Sir Gawain says, “And henceforth I’ll beware” (365). The knight is flawed as we all are, but he is admitting his mistake and he has learned from it mentioning he’ll be more careful in the future. A true hero isn’t perfect. Sir Gawain is a good man who made a simple mistake because he was afraid, but he learned from that mistake. That is what counts as a true

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