Benefits Of Legalizing Marijuana

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Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana should be permitted to be lawful in the United States on account of its restorative, economical and recreational advantages. It has been proved to be a medical herb for sicknesses, for example, asthma, glaucoma, and joint inflammation. Additionally, weed empowers relaxation and diminishes anxiety, making it un-hurtful to those being used of it. Since, it is endorsed for medical reasons, pot decrease the quantity of seizures one has in a certain time. Cannabis may offer fewer negative side-effects that can be highly addictive-and non-steroidal drugs, which can induce, kidney failure, bleeding, and stomach ulcers. Another way is that it helps and tumor patients with their…show more content…
Innocent people were being killed or beaten from the cause of these wars between criminals. It will also free that state’s police officers to focus on crimes that impose on the deepest fear, pain and loss: burglaries, sexual assaults, domestic violence and more. New records have shown adult arrests several times in the recent past. In early 2014, police have arrested 847,864 people for possession of marijuana. Marijuana will boost revue and decrease taxes. The following being the U.S, South America, and many other countries should legalize, and regulate, the sale of marijuana for people who are at least 18 years old. Since law enforcement already spend money trying to regulate marijuana in the streets, state and local governments can save billions of dollars by making law enforcements work on other projects. In Florida’s revue from sales and excise taxes is $183,408,640. Statistics show that in 2010, legalization marijuana would generate about an estimated amount of $8.7 billion in federal and state tax revenue annually. Legalizing marijuana can produce the government more money to spend on social services and…show more content…
One person in the U.S bites the dust from a remedy overdose? Not many unless they have mixed it with other substances. Cigarettes, alcohol, and prescription painkillers, and even sleep aids are additive and can lead to death. Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year while marijuana was responsible for 38,329 deaths by overdose. Marijuana should be legal because of prohibition. There is no evidence that prohibition lessens drug use, but many assumptions that indicate it might actually increase drug use. An involuntary effect of marijuana is that marijuana is commonly used in American high schools. Why? Because it’s obtainable. One does not have to be 21 to buy marijuana since dealers usually does not concern themselves about how old one is as long as one has money. It is authentically more facile for many high school students to acquire marijuana than it is for them to get alcohol, because alcohol is licit and therefore regulated to repel it from kids. The process of prohibition does not work. Education and treatment are better methods to address the issue with drug problems. The most
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