Australian Theater History

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Musical theater in Australia In the 1780’s Europeans brought the art of theater to Australia. The art of Australian theater was nurtured and influenced by the cultures in Australia at the time, along with other international movements in the art form. Like American theater, Australian theater incorporates many aspects into a production, such as directors, producers, play wrights and all those who work back stage and behind the scenes. There are wide varieties of theaters in Australia, from small, local performances, to large, country wide ordeals, just like in America. Like previously stated, the history of Australian theater starts back in the 1780’s. During the 1780’s, the British government sent a fleet of convicts to Australia. This was a huge change in the Australian culture, and changed the country over all. After that event, Australia was seen as a place of punishment for convicts. The thought of theater in that time just did not match up with the view that people had of Australia as a colony used for the punishment of offenders under the legal system. Some people saw theater as a good source of entertainment and loved the idea of it, while others thought it to be a terrible influence on the society. Those different views and ideas affected the development in Australia. At first, the theater community in Australia was a very…show more content…
In 1789, as part of King George III's birthday celebration, convicts performed The Recruiting Officer, George Farquhar's, comedy, in Sydney, Australia. In 1790, a man named Robert Sidway became the founder of a theatre in Sydney where performances continued until at least 1800. Along with the founding of that Theater Company came Sydney's Theatre Royal founded by Barnett Levy in 1833, and Adelaide's Theatre Royal, which was the first in that city, and opened the same year as Sydney's Royal Victoria Theatre, in 1838. The Pavilion, Melbourne's first theatre, opened in

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