We All Love A Trickster's Tale Analysis

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We all Love a Trickster! Essay Prompt Two. While the Winnebago Trickster Tales remain fairly unorthodox, the life lessons which they contain are relevant not only many centuries ago but still today because of its humor and comicality. The Trickster Tales are a collection of stories orally passed down from generation to generation. These unconventional tales try to portray valuable life lessons guiding listeners into not falling onto inappropriate conduct to live by traditions and resect nature. These stories begin with the Trickster wondering around the world, were he encounters, one at a time, a little fox, a jay, and a nit. All agreeing to live together find a patch of land where river forks and red oaks grow and build their home there.…show more content…
The story goes on into detail of how the trickster gets married with the young prince and has children. The trickster got away with passing as a woman for some time, after a while he gets caught by his sister-in-law, and had to run away. The major identifiable theme was to live by tradition; by not only running out of tradition but also falling in the deception of others we will embarrass not only one as an individual but also ones family. Although it was the Trickster whom deceives the prince, it was obvious that something suspicious was going on when a lady courted a man. This behavior was unacceptable at that time, thus bringing role-reversal humor which was crucial and effective. After the prince incident, Trickster thinks on his actions towards the chief's son and decides that it is time he should return to his true wife and son and get his life in order. He does so and is a good father until his son is grown. Then, Trickster decides to travel once again. (NAAL 108) Trickster is doing, yet again, things outside of the traditional normal way. This is much more evident to the modern reader than the events in the previous stories. The father leaving home upon his son's adulthood is clearly backwards; even today it is generally accepted that a child grows up and leaves his/her parents'

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