1. How Is Cuneiform Different From Egyptian Hieroglyphics?

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Suman Bhattarai Dr. Jon Boshart Into to Visual Arts 18 September 2014 Writing Assignment #1 1. Describe a “ziggurat” and how it is different from an Egyptian pyramid. Ziggurats were uniquely Mesopotamian structures built in the ancient Mesopotamian valley and western Iranian plateau. These were massive architectural constructions, with stepped structures made of mud brick and are believed to have served as temples for the people of ancient Mesopotamia. Ziggurats were platforms for god – made to serve as a transitional space between people and their gods while pyramids served as burial grounds or tombs for the kings. Also, Pyramids were built in Ancient Egypt and Southern America while Ziggurats were found in Ancient Mesopotamia. Moreover, Ziggurats have steps or terraces on its sides while pyramids have only one long stretch of staircase. 2. How is cuneiform different from Egyptian hieroglyphics? Cuneiform writing was developed in ancient Mesopotamia consisting of wedge-shaped symbols. It was developed as a way to keep track of…show more content…
Architecturally what is very significant about the Ishtar Gate from the ancient city of Babylon and where is it presently located? The Ishtar Gate was constructed by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II circa 575 BCE. It was the eight gate of the city of Babylon (in present day Iraq) and the main entrance into the then city. Architecturally it is quite impressive- with the front of the gate adorned with blue-glazed enamel bricks with alternating rows of dragons and bulls. The animals were furnished with yellow and brown tile with bricks being blue. The gates were massive – measuring more than 38 feet with a vast antechamber on the southern side. Through the gatehouse is the Processional Way, with walls over 50 feet tall and brick-paved corridor over half a mile long. It was this processional way that led to the temple of Marduk. It is also interesting to note that the Pergamon Museum in Berlin has a reconstruction of the Ishtar

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