Armistice Day Analysis

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The events of WW1 and and the Armistice day negatively affected the citizens of the United States, one example of these negative affects is the treatment of immigrants throughout the war. During WW1 immigrants that recently moved to the U.S. or who had been living in the U.S. that had previously lived in “enemy countries” (i.e. people that had previously lived in countries that were part of the alliance the Central Powers were subject to verbal and physical abuse by other American citizens. David Laskin, for the International Encyclopedia of the First World War, wrote an article describing the lives of ethnic minorities in the U.S. during the first World War, he described, “Though the overwhelming majority of immigrants supported their adoptive…show more content…
This is a negative effect of the war because the U.S. army mistreated people that were trying to help them, and never considered them equals to the American soldiers because they were from a different country. After the war ended, all the sacrifices that the immigrant soldiers that fought for the U.S. made were not recognised, or were altered to make them look bad; one example is Henry Gunther. An NBC news article was written about who the last American soldier was to die on the Armistice Day of WW1. The article talks about the controversy as to whether or not the soldier that died was a hero or victim-whether he deserved the recognition of him being a hero or not, it says, “‘The generation that grew up with Gunther’s legend would have regarded his (death) as the last brave American to die in the nation’s noble effort to end a long, horrible conflict of dubious purpose in Europe,’ wrote Dan Rodricks. ‘Today, looking back through the lens of history, we might see Gunther’s death differently-as foolish, unnecessary, ironic, like the ‘Great War’ itself.’” ("Sgt. Henry Gunther: Was Last American Death of WWI Hero or Victim? - NBC

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