Arguments For The Electoral College

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Electoral College When Americans got to vote for President and Vice President, they are in essence voting for presidential electors, known generally as the electoral college. It is then that, the electors, chosen by the people, who elect the chief executive. The Constitution appoints every state a number of electors equal to the joined total of the state’s Senate and House of Representatives delegations; at present, the number of electors from each state can go from three to 54, this is based off population, for a total of 538. The Electoral College, in the United States is made up of the electors who are then chosen within each state to represent and elect the president after a successive presidential election by the people of each state.…show more content…
The founders sought out that, requiring a candidate to win a majority vote in the Electoral College had essence. In addition, it was more or less a strategy in determining the national consensus. This is a very important activity, and that is why the US should retain the Electoral College. Also, the Electoral College prevents the build-up of geographical power, it makes national candidates to hold campaigns across the country, and stresses the importance of the minority voters. The founders aimed at equalizing power dominance to avoid the country to run on a unitary system, favoring a federal basis, because federalism is the fair way to run a very large and complex place like the United States. This Electoral College has helped the United States in various aspects. If it were not for it, most likely the US would not exist. The founders of the Electoral College realized that in a situation where the United States president wins an election based on the popular vote, then there would be very few cities like Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and New York selecting a president each year because of the populous populations. These more populous states may always carry the vote while the less populous states would have little or no say at all on the ruling of the country. For this reason, the US should retain the Electoral College. If the electoral college was abolished then presidential candidates would simply focus on highly populated areas. Rural areas that are less populated would be simply ignored, because they, as a whole, would have less impact on the election. The process of eliminating the electoral college would be such a complicated and time

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