Argumentative Essay: Should College Students Be Paid?

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Most people would agree that continued education is rather costly in this country. With the recent increase in college students; affording to go to university is sought after in several ways, through various scholarships and grants - more so considering the fact that it's much more expensive to attend college in today's day and age. More people are now attending or thinking about continuing their education than among previous generations. In my experience, being able to afford college- let alone pay for your tuition, can be extremely difficult if you don't have some sort of financial stability, i.e.; job, college fund, trust fund, parent/guardian who is financially stable. Giving yourself the opportunity to continue your education adds…show more content…
adults agreed that at many colleges, the education students receive is not worth what they pay for it. Only 41% of college leaders agreed with them".(2012) Experience shows that today's youth are thinking about or are currently attending university, more than any other previous generation. Given the fact that many employers are seeking potential candidates who have a degree, shows that these employers are willing to hire people with degrees. The more that jobs are created, the higher the possibility for the need of a degree in that particular field. To date, the growing number of college students who are studying to further their career paths post-grad has grown from the year 2000 from an estimated 4.9 million to 20.2 million as of fall…show more content…
However, in recent years, the cost of higher education is near impossible to achieve without a sure back-up plan. As a society, we are told from a young age that we need to go to college to better ourselves and our future. That being said, while continuing education is necessary in today's day and age; the fact of the matter is that college is priced as a luxury rather than a necessity. It shows that if you want an education, you'd be willing to do whatever is possible to achieve said

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