Arctic Fox Research Paper

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Arctic Fox The Arctic Fox (Alopex lagopus) is an organism that is adapted to live in extreme environments. The arctic region in which these organisms are found can often times be inhospitable to most. Over time, the Alopex lagopus has developed physiological and behavioral methods in their combat of below freezing temperatures and barren lands of limited prey and shelter. Habitat The arctic region to most organisms would be unfavorable at best, with the temperatures plunging well below zero degrees Celsius this would be a challenge most organisms aren't capable of facing due to not being adapted to such harsh conditions. The main threat to organisms within this region is the loss of heat within the body due to the frigid temperatures and…show more content…
Many trees and other vegetative plants are also unable to survive the harsh conditions because of this. The Arctic region has the shelter of shrubs, bushes, and ample amount of Lichen that flourish in the area. The lack of vegetation makes shelter a difficult necessity to come by for most of the organisms that roam the area, like the Alopex lagopus; they too have learned to adapt to life in the Arctic. Adaptions: "In general, homoeothermic animals may adapt to periods of food scarcity by reducing the energy expenditure and/or by storing food and energy in advance. The energy expenditure may be reduced by 1) reducing the basal metabolic rate (BMR); 2) avoiding increased heat production due to low temperatures; 3) reducing locomotor activity; and 4) avoiding energy-requiring processes such as reproduction and growth when food abundance is limited." (Kleiber 1975) The Alopex lagopus is homeothermic, meaning they produce their own body heat rather than maintaining a balance between the environment around them. The Arctic Fox must be able to withstand brutal winter temperatures in order to survive. Because of the impending freeze every season, the Arctic Fox has developed numerous ways to both prevent heat loss and to regulate the heat within its own

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