Appearance Vs Reality Macbeth

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In Shakespeare's Macbeth, appearance vs reality is a theme that is seen throughout the play. Macbeth is respected by everyone, but Macbeth only seems honorable; at heart he is a man who will do anything to be king. He hides his intent from Duncan with fine words, while he is planning his murder. Macbeth says: False face must hide what the false heart doth know. (I.vii.93) Appearance vs reality is also seen in the beginning of the play when the witches introduce the quotation, "fair is foul, and foul is fair," or what seems good is really bad—Macbeth; and what seems bad is really good—Malcolm flees Scotland when his father dies and looks guilty, but he is only trying to protect himself. When the witches deliver their predictions to Macbeth,…show more content…
Macbeth convinces the murderers that Banquo is to blame for the bad fortune they have recently experienced—that it wasn't Macbeth as they men had believed. He says: Know That it was [Banquo], in the times past, which held you So under fortune, which you thought had been Our innocent self? (III.i.81-84) Banquo is not the cause; Macbeth says it to turn the men against…show more content…
He says he is lustful and greedy, but Macduff believes there are more than enough women to satisfy Malcolm, and enough wealth as well. However, when Malcolm says that all he wants to do is destroy Scotland, causing war and discord, Macduff starts to mourn Scotland's imminent destruction. These evils thou repeat'st upon thyself Have banish'd me from Scotland. (IV.iii.126-127) In reality, none of this is true. When Malcolm knows that Macduff caresso much for Scotland, he is sure he can trust Macduff. At the play's end, appearance vs reality is found in what the witches have told Macbeth regarding his future success, and the actual manner in which the predictions come to pass. Because all men have mothers, Macbeth is sure he is in no danger—but Macduff was a C-section baby; and Birnam wood cannot actually move to Dunsinane hill, but itappears that way. He knows the witches have lied: And be these juggling fiends no more believed, That palter with us in a double
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