Antigone Tragic Hero Essay

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In the classic play Antigone by Sophocles, the protagonist has shown qualities of a tragic hero while explaining is considered a tragic hero. It tells of her royal blood, along with her tragic flaws which are evident which does lead to her downfall, and is worthy of concern. Many would argue against the idea that she is the most tragic hero in the story. However it can be seen that a large portion, if not all of her qualities most definately display it above the other characters. Antigone is depicted as the tragic hero to the fullest extent in this play because of her lineage, in remembrance of her articulate qualities, and her downfall through her stubborn determination and love for her family. Antigone is a story of rivalry and passion.…show more content…
There was too much regard for her dead brother that she forgot to care for her still alive sister, Ismene. Antigone love with death made her forget the beauty in life, something that many people are guilty of. If people were to put an end to romanticizing death and putting more love in the thought of life, people would have a higher regard for it. When Antigone states “Say I am mad and give my madness rein To wreck itself; the worst that can befall is but to die an honorable death.” she is not showing devotion to family, but showing the concern that she has for what her family has given to her growing up. In the end of it all, Antigone was a victim of her lineage, her powerful speaking patterns, and her stubborn determination and love for her family. The evidence is overwhelming through the ideas that she has all the characteristics of a tragic hero which depicts her royal blood, along with her tragic flaws which are evident which does lead to her downfall, and her worthy of concern. By emphasising on what was already gone from her life, she in turn gave up her own. Antigone believed that the life of others was in turn her whole entire life, not understanding that she had their own to carry out. Truly a tragic

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