Rfk Speech Rhetorical Analysis

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“No martyr’s cause has ever been stilled by an assassin’s bullet.” (Kennedy) Martin Luther King Jr was famous for his progress towards equality; he was assassinated on 4 April 1968. For many decades later, African Americans continued to fight for full and equal rights. The following day, 5 April, Robert Kennedy (RFK) gave a speech about the spirit of violence within the nation and the obvious need to overcome differences among American citizens in order to unite the people. RFK uses rhetorical techniques such appeals to pathos and logos, as well as repetition and parallelism to bond all Americans in the desire to end violence in the nation and promote a united home front. An emotional connection is crucial to making RFK’s speech so effective; which is why his constant appeal to…show more content…
He makes a point in saying, “We make it easy for men of all shades of sanity to acquire […] weapons.” (Kennedy) It is almost as if he wants the audience to believe he would say, “All shades of skin.” The initial anger is misplaced and shut down when RFK logically continues by explaining the violence of institutions is a, “[…] slow decay,” that denies a man, “[…] the chance to stand as a father and as a man among other men.” (Kennedy) He is using this as a way of the explaining the errors in discriminatory thinking, to which the only cure is to, “[…] achieve true justice among our fellow citizens.” (Kennedy) RFK sympathizes with the struggles African Americans go through on a daily basis while simultaneously encouraging white members of society to, “[…] find our own advancement in the search for the advancement of others.” (Kennedy) To overcome violence in America there needs to be united progress towards equality and an understanding of the struggles of

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