Sydney Caron In A Tale Of Two Cities

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Sydney Carton was the most dynamic character as the French Revolution went on. He appeared as an indolent attorney who had a serious drinking problem before he met Lucie and her family. He did not care about anything around him, just as no one paid attention on him. The French Revolution, however, brought a tremendous change on Carton. According to Dickens, a jackal helped the lion, but the lion took the entire honor at the end. He used this example to reveal Carton’s life: “Although Sydney Carton would never be a lion, he was amazingly good jackal, and that he rendered sit and service to Stryver in that humble capacity” (92). This indicated that Carton would never be like Stryver who received credits and gained good reputations. Instead,…show more content…
“He answered to Lucie: ‘It is too late for that. I shall never be better than I am. I shall sink lower, and be worse” (156). He felt that he had wasted all his life and he lacked the strength to recall himself to life. On the other hand, Lucie felt compassion towards Carton and comforted him by saying that he was much worthier of himself (156). This led to a promise that Carton would sacrifice his life for Lucie or her loved ones. This was a very different attitude from what he had before. The turning point of his life happened when he decided to save Darnay who was prisoned by Defarges. “For the first time in many years, he had no strong drink” (346). This illustrated that his personalities went through a conversion. He used to be a frustrated alcoholic because he gave up on his life. However, he found a purpose to live and his thinking altered. His caring for the others was exhibited when he helped the woman at the guillotine. They talked before the execution, and Carton provided both solace and strength to the seamstress. Furthermore, he was willing to die for Lucie because he wanted to redeem his life through his sacrificial act. This act showed both honor, and

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