Anne Sexton

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Anne Sexton’s Representation of the Female Body Anne Sexton is best known for her confessional poetry. Her works broke away from traditional poetry because much of what she wrote was considered at the time to be taboo. Sexton’s poem “In Celebration of My Uterus” praises the female body by using a celebratory approach to her struggles of being a woman and uses that approach to unite women all around the world. The beginning of the poem personifies the uterus as a living being. The speaker addresses and celebrates with her uterus because she does not have to undergo a hysterectomy. The speaker asserts her right to her own body and the right to say no when she says, “They wanted to cut you out / but they will not” (3-4). The speaker was probably…show more content…
These lines show the contradicting medical knowledge, which diagnoses the uterus as unhealthy and useless which should be removed, and self knowledge, which affirms that the uterus is neither torn nor “empty.” The lines "they said you were sick unto dying / but they were wrong," Sexton first questions the doctors' diagnosis, then more directly goes against their authority by asserting "they were wrong" (7-8). Lines 7-8 describe her diagnosis by medical professionals: “They said you were sick unto dying / but they were wrong.” She knows that she is not sick and will not…show more content…
/ There is enough here to please a nation.” She recognizes that she does not need to have a child to have a life. She does not have to wait patiently for a man to plant his seed in the “soil of the field.” The speaker then presents a variety of women from around the world, occupied by fulfilling completely different tasks. It is clear that they are related because of the uterus that is in all of them. Their activities vary from working “in a shoe factory cursing the machine” through ”tending a seal” to ”straddling a cello,” which are not the 'typical' female activities. This wide range of activities show that the uterus should not define nor limit a woman's role. Women are not just tools for reproduction. Many women around the world are enjoying the freedom from restriction when the speaker says, “all seem to be singing” (43-44). However, not all women are rejoicing with the others. The speaker continues and says, “although some can not sing a note” (43-44). Many women are still seen as factories to produce

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