The Deception Of Women In Homer's Odyssey

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In my previous essay, I explained positive deception and how the female characters in The Odyssey sought to deceive to save themselves or their loved ones. Reading the Euripides’s tragedies Medea and Hippolytus I have found that deception in the female characters come from revenge and to protect their own reputation. Medea deceived so that Jason could feel the same pain that she has endured. Since Hippolytus did not worship Aphrodite she resulted to act in treachery. The women in both of Euripides works went to extreme measures to make sure that the ones around them respected them and because they felt their actions are justifiable. Unlike Penelope and Athena in The Odyssey, the women in Euripides plays are selfish and acting out for personal gain. Magnifying each event women in ancient Greek are prone to deception whether it is good or bad. Medea is a character that has done some treacherous things all in the act of love. She has killed when she was both happy and sad. Her deception started when she met Jason and stole from her father in an effort to gain Jason’s…show more content…
They are irrational about the actions taken and believe that the actions they do take are their last result. Aphrodite’s treachery came from a place of egomania. Once she heard the Hippolytus was not going to worship her she felt disrespected and lead to the deaths of two innocent people. Maybe Aphrodite wanted to make an example out of Hippolytus and show that she shall be worshiped. Also, Medea deception has left her alone and on the run once again. Medea proves it is customary for women in ancient Greek deceived because it was their voice. The women in ancient Greek are prone to deception because happens to be the way they express their anger and channel their emotions. Both Aphrodite and Medea caused death on the innocent for their personal gain. They question whether there is rationality in

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