An Analysis Of Martin Luther King's Letter From Birmingham Jail

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The Letter from a Birmingham Jail was written on April 16, 1963 by Martin Luther King Jr. in response to a letter published in a Birmingham, Alabama, newspaper in 1963. For Martin Luther King, this arrest—his 13th—would become one of the most important of his career. Thrown into solitary confinement, King was initially denied access to his lawyers or allowed to contact his wife, until President John F. Kennedy was urged to intervene on his behalf. Birmingham Alabama was one of the most segregated cities in America in 1963. On April 12, Martin Luther King and nearly 50 other protestors and civil rights leaders had been arrested after leading a Good Friday demonstration as part of the Birmingham Campaign, designed to bring national attention to the brutal, racist treatment suffered by blacks. Birmingham was…show more content…
Also in his letter, King powerfully explains the injustice of the evil system of segregation. In his letter from Birmingham, Alabama, King sees the inequality of whites and blacks, police force harassment and brutality, the burning of black churches and the oppression of the white community over the black. What I think was more of an dishearten was the stand of the white church chose to take during this era. Between 1957 and 1962 seventeen black churches and homes had been bombed and nothing was done about it. The letter declares King's strength as a spokesperson and speechmaker. His broadness of learning amazes me in this letter. The point to diverse civil thinkers, as well to the Bible. It is passionate and controlled. Once King was released from jail, the protests assumed a larger scale and a more confrontational
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