Analysis Of Martin Luther King's Letter From Birmingham Jail

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On January 15th, 1929, a advocate and firm believe of peace was born. His name was Martin Luther King and he was one of the most influential leaders of peaceful protesting all for a change in society towards the segregation of the “Negro” people here in America. That's why in “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” he fights with the clergymen about how racial segregation is unjust. This was provoked by the government, of Birmingham, passing a legal provision which banned street marches without permission. This prevented the blacks from protesting for equality. King felt compelled to take action, and with justice in mind, he formed a peaceful march that the world would remember always, in Birmingham - without permission. Of course, King was arrested on that day of April 12th, 1963. On that day, 8 clergymen wrote an open letter to a local newspaper which had criticized King. They said that King's event was “unwise and untimely” (King). In response, King wrote “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” to defend his actions against the clergymen. His magnum opus has become widely known for the powerful literary techniques and his use of emotions to capture the audience. Since he was so well versed with sermons, and armed with the knowledge of the speeches from the Bible, this helped create a emotional…show more content…
It is like he was able to manipulate the reader to believe in what he fully believes in. Even through his sarcastic disappointment King was able to make the eight clergymen feel ashamed, and convinced them that what he was saying was the truth. He graciously gives the mind plenty of room to imagine his time in jail by writing, “While confined here in the Birmingham city jail, I came...” (King). One quickly thinks of the conditions of the cells his is constricted too, perhaps crowded and grimy, and instantly becomes remorseful of his arrest from the very beginning of his
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