Allosaurus Classification

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Allosaurus Allosaurus is classified as a carnosaur. Carnosaurs are a classification of large, carnivorous dinosaurs that lived from the middle Jurassic period to the late Cretaceous period. The Jurassic period lasted from 200 million years ago to 145 million years ago and the Cretaceous period lasted from 145 million years ago to 65 million years ago. Carnosaurs lived from about 175 million years ago to 90 million years ago. On the dinosaur family tree Carnosaurs are the last branch on the theropod line before the coelurosaurs. The coelurosaurs are the most advanced form of theropod dinosaur. The most famous coelurosaurs include Velociraptor, Tyrannosaurus, and chickens. The Carnosaur family tree contains four major branches, Allosauroidea,…show more content…
Allosaurus was the apex predator in its environment. It received competition from three other theropods in the area. The smallest, Ornitholestes, was little threat to Allosaurus, likely only raiding nests. At 6 feet long this dinosaur fed on small mammals and reptiles. The next largest predator in the area was Ceratosaurus. At 25 feet long Ceratosaurus was a significant predator and likely direct competition for Allosaurus. Ceratosaurus is much more primitive than Allosaurus. Ceratosaurus had small bony plates on its back, called osteoderms, similar to what crocodiles have on their backs. Ceratosaurus also had very long teeth on its top jaw which were ideal for hunting prey. The largest competition for Allosaurus was Torvosaurus. Torvosaurus was between 33 and 40 feet in length. Torvosaurus was thinner and more primitive than Allosaurus. Torvosaurus was also an apex predator and would be direct competition for prey and territory with Allosaurus. Although Allosaurus was an apex predator, it still had lots of competition from other…show more content…
The ecosystem in Portugal was very similar to that of North America. Ceratosaurus, Torvosaurus, Dryosaurus, and Stegosaurus all lived in both North America and in Portugal. Portugal had some dinosaurs unique to it though. Miragia, Draconyx, Lusotitan, Lourinhano- saurus, and Supersaurus lived in Portugal. Miragia was a smaller member of Stegosauridae that had much smaller plates on its back than Stegosaurus. At 20 feet long Miragia was significantly smaller than Stegosaurus. Draconyx was very similar to Camptosaurus but was smaller than it. Draconyx was only 12 feet long and its name means dragon claw. Lusotitan was a large sauropod closely related to Brachiosaurus and at 80 feet long it would have filled the same niche in the environment as it. Supersaurus was a large sauropod that would have resembled Apatosaurus. At about 80 feet long it was just as massive as its North American counterparts. Lourinhanosaurus was a mid sized carnivore that would have competed with Allosaurus. Although many fossils of it have been found, all of the fossils that have been found are of juveniles and eggs. The largest specimen known is 15 feet long and was about 16 years old. Due to the lack of adult specimens, the full size of Lourinhanosaurus is not known. Also, the classification of Lourinhanosaurus is uncertain. It has been suggested that it was a member of Megalosauridae, a more primitive group, Allosauridae, or even a primitive

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