Eventide: Slavic Fable Analysis

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Let’s face it, ghosts, vampires and other typical monsters are a little overdone at this point, especially in the hidden object game genre. That’s why it is refreshing to see titles like Eventide: Slavic Fable that deviates from the usual cast of creatures. As the name suggests, it is a game that is inspired by Slavic mythology, which appears to be filled with all manner of weird and wonderful beings. The setting is a contemporary heritage park where the protagonist’s grandmother is the curator. Grandma invariably ends up kidnapped and you need to save her with the help of the mythical creatures dwelling in the park. When Mary, the protagonist of the game, arrives at the heritage park she quips “Equal parts cute and creepy. Yup. Definitely Slavic.” This pretty much sums up the visual style of the game as well because the creatures definitely fall into the “cute and creepy” category. In addition to the cool creature designs the rest of the visuals are actually very nice too and each scene is filled…show more content…
The story doesn’t veer too far from the genre tropes, but the inclusion of the creatures from Slavic fables definitely gives it a more unique feel. Because it is one of the easier titles in the genre it is also a good place for newcomers to start. Unlike other hidden object games that are fond of featuring the usual supernatural suspects like ghosts, Eventide contains plenty of creatures from Slavic fables. Their inclusion, along with the colorful hand drawn visuals, provide the game with a unique look and feel. The story is still a bit clichéd and the game isn’t very long, but it is a lot of fun while it lasts. This makes it a good choice for newcomers to the genre, but the charming visuals and interesting locations will appeal to veterans as well. Gameplay: Definitely an easy title, but also a lot of fun while it

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