Evidence Of Things Unseen: A Literary Analysis

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The Seasonal motif is an indicator of events in the story--establishing a setting which complements other themes of the book centered around love, water, and comets. When Foster and Opal meet, beginning their love story, it is in the summer. On the surface, this may appear as a minor detail; however, Summer symbolizes a time of reflection, growth, freedom, or the prime of a character's life. Therefore, In Evidence of Things Unseen, it can be viewed as a good omen--foretelling a cheerful event which is about to unfold. Moreover, Summer is a time for celebration and joy--this explains why Wiggins uses it as the setting when Foster would experience Glory with his encounter with Opal. Fos has always hoped to find someone or something that would…show more content…
Traditionally, Fall represents a time of maturity, sadness, or the preparation for something to come to an end. Therefore, it’s no surprise that these elements become finite occurrences within the story line. As if on cue, all things that could possibly go wrong do. Opal’s encounter with Lally Gallagher on that October day foreshadowed the end of her trust with Flash, and her call to take greater responsibilities in assuming her cousin Earl’s farm. The experiences were discreetly foreshadowed with the mention of Fall--which symbolizes maturity. The once highly enthusiastic couple Opal and Foster now found themselves completely changed--unable to return to the happy memories and lifestyle so prevalent on the Summertime. The descriptions of Lally’s beauty also plays on the seasonal motif;Like Spring and Summer, she is beautiful; however, in the end she will turn into Fall, and like Fall she will experience decline. This same theme can be seen with Flash--a man of considerable charm and fertility in coin--who will become forever changed by his experiences in the Fall, and will appear much wiser and restrained during his encounter with Lightfoot years

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