Alcoholics Anonymous Research Paper

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The Usefulness of Alcoholics Anonymous When an individual is experiencing the need to have alcohol in their lives on a daily basis, one might have to come to terms with the possibility that he/she might be suffering with alcoholism. Alcoholism is a pattern of alcohol use that involves problems controlling your drinking, being preoccupied with alcohol, continuing to use alcohol even when it causes problems, having to drink more to get the same effect, or having withdrawal symptoms when you rapidly decrease or stop drinking. An individual might be interested in attending Alcoholics Anonymous to help with maintaining sobriety. Alcoholics Anonymous is very useful for individuals by providing self-control, support, and also grants the judicial system with Court-mandated treatment. The most important reason why Alcoholics Anonymous is useful is because of its ability to maintain the group’s individuality and anonymity.…show more content…
It could also cost a person a chance at keeping or getting employment with a company. By allowing the members of the group to stay anonymous, more people might be willing to seek help and stay sober. It also aids in keeping rumors about any stories or issues discussed in the group to trouble someone personal status in the community. When trying to stop any substance, you might be left feeling depressed and lost. When people begin to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, they find other individuals who are dealing with the same short comings as they are do not feel alone. Members of Alcoholics Anonymous are able to provide support to anyone experiencing resisting a false necessity of alcohol. Also, by assigning sponsors for each new member, persons interested in preventing a relapse can contact someone to talk them through the

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