Agronomic Report Sample

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Agronomic Profile of Respondents Table 4 on page 40 revealed the agronomic profile of respondents. The agronomic profile includes farm size in hectares, number of years of farming experience, animal raised, farming practices, agricultural water system, and farming pattern. Majority of the respondents are domesticating carabao ( f= 149 or 62.1percent; n=240) for they are using these animals as helper in farm works especially for households whose farms are in mountainous area that are hardly reached by tractors. Bales, (2014) in his study about Participatory Assessment of Resources and Needs of Upland Communities: A Case in Inopacan, Leyte, Philippines mentioned that his respondents’ animals raised include carabaos, goats, swine, and native chickens. Other animal raised by respondents are sometimes sold when needed to augment the financial needs of the family. On the other hand, majority of the respondents are employing both traditional and modern farming…show more content…
The main problem of the respondents is water shortage. Most respondents claimed that they have to fetch water from home consumption from area far from their house hold. Moreover, some households claimed that water from deep well become dirty especially during dry season since the water basin from underground is low. Aside from that, water scarcity is also experienced in the farm. Most farmers mentioned that water from spring became scarce that they have to look for other sources. They dug riverbanks just to have water reservoir. The water shortage as a problem by majority of the respondents is similar to the findings of the study of FitsGibbon and Mensah, (2012) where they mentioned that the

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