Samples were taken from the landfills of the cities Tashkent and Samarkand in the same day. The method of sampling solid waste, preparation for analysis consistent with the methodology of investigations of the properties of solid waste (__________). In the process of analysis from ten different points of the landfill were taken to get ten primary samples weighing 25 kg each. Equal concrete square connected the ten samples, mixed, leveled, giving the shape of a
external enforcement. For that, they will be allowed to express thing by their own language. Therefore, interviewer who speaks the local language fluently will be informed about the research approach and the information on the use, preparation and agronomic characteristics of cocoyam landraces of Ethiopia will be recorded. Some voucher specimens will also be collected, as much as possible, to be deposited at the National Herbarium of Addis Ababa University as reference material. The resulting ethnobotanical
According to RLDC (2008) the production challenges among others includes, the use of poor quality seeds and poor agronomic practices. The use of poor quality seeds is often attributed by the low knowledge, lack of capital and non-availability of quality seeds (RLDC, 2008). Reports show that many rural smallholder farmers do not apply good agronomic practices in land preparation, planting, weeding and use of fertilizer (RLDC, 2008). In addition to production challenges there are