African Slave Beliefs

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Music has always been around as a way to express emotions. For enslaved Africans, music was a way to express their feelings to communicate with one another, was beneficial for spirituality and for upholding religious practice, to protest the slave owners, and to start a trend of a hopeful future. The slaves were able to hold onto one another for support, and depend on each other even when struggling, through music. The specific music is called slave songs. Slave songs were used for many different purposes, as it was a part of their culture. There were songs for work, recreation, and religious practice (PBS). The slave owners did not really know about the songs. This allowed for secrets; secrets that only the slaves were knowledgeable about,…show more content…
This involved living with and working for the slave owners on their property for seven years (Slavery in America). It involved much hard labor for the slaves and they did not have any rights. The colonists were happy because they were making more profit and had to do less work than ever, therefore they did not allow the slaves they owned to be free. They became personal property that could be owned for life. It started the trend of “black gold” (or Africans) being transported to America (Slavery in America). This was legal at the time, because the Royal African Company had a pact with the Americas. It only lasted until the year of 1807 when England outlawed slave trade. Slave importation was then banned, so America began its own internal slave trade which involved over one million…show more content…
a ring about the ankle, and confinement in the dungeon. There have been instances of slitting of ears, breaking of limbs, so as to make amputation necessary, beating out of eyes, and castration... In short, in the place of decency, sympathy, morality, and religion; slavery produces cruelty and oppression. It is true, that the unfeeling application of the ordinary punishments ruins the constitution, and shortens the life of many a poor wretch." –James

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