John Steinbeck's The Grapes Of Wrath

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The Grapes of Wrath Historical Essay John Steinbeck lived through the Great Depression and struggled to publish his works. Being a socialist, his inspiration came from taking part in migrant work in the fields. John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, a novel of social protest, depicts the historical struggles of migrant workers due to the depths of the Great Depression. John Steinbeck, born in Salinas, California on February 27, 1902. in a family of four being the only son. Steinbeck had been a very cheerful and humble child. Salinas, also known as the Salad Bowl of America, was a farming town. The Steinbeck’s lived as a middle class family handling any complications they encounter. By the time John was a teenager their family began having…show more content…
Tom had experienced changes and maturity through his journey. At first he was a character who was driven by self-interest. By the end, he had a realization of becoming someone better by helping others. Steinbeck shows these characteristics as well. By this, he became a socialist defending others for their rights, as did Tom Joad. Both had fought for the rights of these migrant workers in order to get fair wages and benefits. The family is also joined by Jim Casey, a former preacher, now disillusioned with religion, who sparks their evolution from a self-contained, self-involved family unit to a part of the migrant community that must work together for the greater good, and who inspires the Joads's son Tom to support the cause of the working poor. When Jim Casey dies, this is when Tom decides to take over and help fight for the migrant workers rights. In the Grapes of Wrath, higher-class citizens troubled farmers and migrant workers. Chapter 7 shows a crooked salesman taking advantage of these departing families. The farmers desperate to move to California are cheated out of the money they had left. "Salesmen, neat, deadly, small intent eyes watching for weakness" (Steinbeck). By this, it proves how these poor families were being stolen from. They preferred to destroy the harvest instead of selling the crops at a lower price. This act had generated a shortage of goods -- preventing farmers from satisfying their basic
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