tremendous amount of stored energy in the form of inertia. To stop the car, the brakes convert kinetic energy into heat. When the driver pushes on the brake pedal, lever action pushes a rod into the brake booster and master cylinder. This produces hydraulic pressure in the master cylinder. Fluid flows through the brake lines to the brake assemblies. The brake assemblies use this pressure to cause friction for braking. Below are the basic parts that make up a modern brake
Robotics Modern industrial robotics has been around since the 1960s using hydraulics. One of the first robots known as Unimate could easily pour liquid metal into die casts, weld auto bodies together and manipulate 227-kilogram payloads. Not only did it perform tasks which were dangerous but it also worked tirelessly thus removing the hassle of dealing with people. This caused a stir in the manufacturing industry and grew popular rapidly. This however didn’t solve all problem a robot could only do
Introduction Hybrid vehicle is a vehicle that uses two or more different types of propulsion power. Examples are a submarine that uses diesel engine when it surfaces and batteries when it is submerged under water, hybrid electric cars that uses internal combustion engine (ICE) and electric motor and diesel-electric train that utilize diesel engines together with electricity coming from the overhead lines. There are two types of hybrid vehicle which are Two-wheeled and cycle-type vehicles and Heavy