Shriram.p Saranathan college of engineering Mechanical Trichy,Tamilnadu ABSTRACT-The Air Driven Engine is associate degree eco-friendly engine that operates with compressed gas. associate degree Air Driven Engine uses the growth of compressed gas to drive the pistons of associate degree engine associate degree Air Driven Engine could be a gas mechanism that makes helpful work by increasing compressed gas. there\'s no mixture of fuel with air as there's no combustion
Chapter – 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Chapter Summary This chapter starts with the scope of improvement in sugar manufacturing process. Section 1.2 presents the objective of proposed research work. The historical background of sugar and statistics of Indian sugar industry is explained in section 1.3 and the chemical composition of sugar cane is described in section 1.4. The overview of sugar making process is explained in section 1.5. In section 1.6 of this chapter important terms used in cane juice extraction