Pawn Shop Analysis

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A Picture of a Pawn Shop (Verse 4a) He redeems us from a life of destruction! Anytime you read about redemption it means to buy back with a price! Have you ever done business in a pawn shop! You bring any item and pawn it! You receive a paper and at a certain time you can come and buy it back (redeem it) with interest! You and I were in the pawn shop! We had pawned our souls to the devil but God came into the pawn shop and redeemed us with the blood of His Son Jesus! And pur¬chased our salvation! He redeems us from a life of destruc¬tion! Destructive behavior always needs redeeming! Let God redeem you and get you out of the pawn shop! Let Him redeem you! You and I are the paupers but He is the owner! The story is told of a little boy who was given a beautiful red sailboat for Christmas. He just loved his little sailboat! One day he brought his little boat to the beach and played with it! And put in the water but a current came and washed the little boat from the shore! The little boy cried because his little boat was washed away. One day he and his mother were walking by the pawn shop and saw the little boat in the window! The little boy cried “Mother it’s my boat!” His father went in and purchased the boat for his son. The little boy said “Twice mine! My father made it and…show more content…
I John 4:19 says, “We love him because He first loved us.” It is not so much our love for Him: although we are commanded to love Him with all our mind, soul, spirit and heart! But rather that God first loveth us. First loved when we did not know Him. First loved when we felt unlovable! When you understand that God’s love for you is unconditional! Then will thanksgiving arise within you. When you understand this great provision of God recorded in the text this morning. Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, even the God of

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