control the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The main element which causes global climate change is rising of concentration of greenhouse gases on Earth. Since the industrial revolution, there has been a significant increase in the emission of greenhouse gases. Ahrens et al. (2012) stated that, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which consists of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapour help to maintain the Earth as a habitable planet. These gases could warm the Earth’s
Chapter - 1 Introduction Water is one of the most important abundant natural resource on earth. Although water is on two-third part of the earth and remaining one-third is land, yet the availability to access portable or freshwater for people is narrowing and consolidating day by day. Polluted or brackish water is responsible for most of the diseases in human. Now days, most of the country in world are facing a huge problem of water infrequency. This infrequency is because of pollution created by