Advantages And Disadvantages Of Software System

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Q1. Explain different kinds of software programs. A1. Software may be applied in any situation for which a pre-specified set of procedural steps has been defined. Knowledge content and determinacy are important factors for knowing the nature of a software application. Knowledge determinacy refers to the predictability of the order and timing of knowledge. An engineering analysis program accepts knowledge that has a predefined order, executes the analysis algorithm without interruption and produces resultant knowledge in report or graphical format. Software programs can be neatly compartmentalized into different categories. System software: it’s a collection of programs written to service other programs. It is characterized by heavy in place…show more content…
What are the Limitations of waterfall model? Explain in brief. A2. The Serial or Linear Sequential Development Model This Model also called as the Classic life cycle or the Waterfall model. The Linear sequential model suggests a systematic sequential approach to software development that begins at the system level and progresses through analysis, design, coding, testing, and support. Linear sequential model for software engineering. Modeled after a conventional engineering cycle, the linear sequential model has the following activities: Limitation of the linear sequential model 1. The linear sequential model or waterfall model assumes the requirement of a system which can be frozen (baseline) before the design begins. This is possible for systems designed to automate an existing manual system. But for a new system, determining the needs is difficult as the user does not even know the needs. Hence, having unchanging needs is unrealistic for these kind of projects. 2. Freezing the needs usually needs choosing the hardware (because it forms a part of the requirement specifications) a large project might take a few years to complete. For instance the hardware is selected early, then due to the speed at which hardware technology is changing, it is likely the final software can use a hardware technology on the verge of becoming obsolete. This is clearly not desirable for these kind of expensive software…show more content…
At analysis level, they must be used to model the way in which knowledge is processed in the existing system. The notations used in these models represents functional processing, knowledge stores and knowledge movements between functions. Knowledge-flow models are used to show how knowledge flows through a sequence of processing steps. The knowledge is transformed at each step before moving on to the next stage. These processing steps or transformations are program functions when knowledge-flow diagrams are used to document a software
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