Adnan Syed Case

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Everyone is innocent until proven guilty or at least that's how it's supposed to be. Adnan Syed has been convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend, Hae Min Lee. Nothing links him to this crime besides the state’s small case. The only argument the state has is the story of a man, Jay, whom isn't always truthful. When looking at the time line made up of the heinous act, there are far too many gaps and breaks in the supposed record given by the state to be accurate. If that isn’t fishy enough, there is no actual hard evidence linking Adnan to the murder. I’m honestly shocked he wasn’t found innocent in the first place. In the trial upcoming or past if I were a member of the jury, I would vote to acquit Adnan Syed of charges of murder of his ex-girlfriend.…show more content…
He, however, received no charges against him because he was a witness at the trial, even though Jay was an accessory to this horrendous felony. While telling his story he leaves out many parts during the different questionings. His story changes each time, adding and taking away parts of the new version. This seems shaky considering “Jay’s credibility is the state’s case”. Each person telling a new side of what they were told by Jay of what had happened with him and Adnan takes away more and more of the stories Jay tells the detectives. In a story told by Jay’s friend Chris, it was confided in him that the whole trunk pop and showing of Hae’s body happened at a pool haul that Jay was at. Supposedly, Adnan forced Jay to help him with Hae because he was and accessory and according to Chris, “he knew Jay couldn’t go to the cops because of his own illegal activities.” However, Jay said the display of her body happened in the parking lot of Best Buy by the mysterious payphone. Nobody has any knowledge of a payphone outside of Best Buy, but Jay’s story and map of the store specifically mention Adnan calling Jay with a payphone and standing by it when he arrives. People may believe Jay just because he knows all of these thing about the murder and was apart of the burying that he is telling the truth about this homicide, “Why would you admit to…show more content…
There are too many gaps and questionable pieces for it to be totally accurate. To corroborate the timeline Sarah Koenig and Dana Chivvis go through the schedule Hae must have went to through the day she was murdered according the the state’s record. They start at Woodlawn High School and go through the routine of pushing through kids, shuffling towards the exit, getting to their car and waiting for all of the busses to clear out. The timeline is right if this story is true about the Best Buy parking lot, killing Her and making the payphone call. Yes, they may be on time with the schedule so far, but if you take a look at the towers pinged by cell phones and stories on people the timeline may not be entirely right. As said by Sarah, “And this is where things get off course.” When Jay and Adnan leave the Park and Ride in search of weed, Jay calls a friend,Patrick, at 3:59. There is a time problem here, when Sarah and Dana verify this time it is 58 minutes before they should even be calling Patrick. Jay tells the court that at 3:21 he calls Jenn, his friend, to find out where Patrick is. Jenn however, testifies that “that’s just not a thing that would have happened”. The Nisha call comes next this is on time with Jay’s story, yet it doesn’t match the correct location. This call pings a tower all the way back by Best Buy which is not where Jay says this call is

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