Incarnation Vs Atonement Research Paper

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Throughout theology and history there are large debates on Incarnation and Atonement. There are arguments that Atonement or Incarnation is not necessary within doctrine and the link to salvation of sins. Arguments deliberate that Incarnation or Atonement does not make sense due to the impossible payments of Sin from people, or why God would lower himself to this goal. These arguments attack the logical and rational way of convincement of non-believers. Both Incarnation and Atonement are necessary for the orderly restoration of the universe through Anselm’s definitions of satisfaction to do what is right and orderly. This has placed many arguments as to why God would deliver us from evil or the Devil in the redeeming way that God did. To understand Anselm’s view on satisfaction we have to understand incarnation and atonement, arguments against them, and how Anselm reasons through moral theology. Saint Anselm identified theology as that of having “faith seeking understanding” (Mueller 332). During the life of Anselm, 1033 – 1109, Theology as a whole relied upon scholastic philosophy to reason through and clarify the revelation and to come to a truth within religion. Through the methodology of this time, known as the Scholastic Methodology, principle were rationally tied to specific questions and concerns. Most of these philosophical issues were…show more content…
Through the Incarnation Jesus took on humanity as a whole when God lowered himself in a human form. Thus this allows all that are connected to Christ to be saved, even centuries later, by the Atonement. This is best represented by Athanasius who stated, “All men were condemned to death; but he, the Innocent One, surrendered his body to death for all; thus all men, being dead through him… should be freed from sin and the curse and be raised from the dead.” (Albl

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