Action Envelopes Case Study

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REVIEW OF LITERATURE According to Sharon Newman (Chief Executive Officer) Seth is an American envelope and stationery supply company, founded in 1971 as Action Envelope. It transitioned to an online company in 2000. Action Envelope was founded in 1971 in the Queens borough of New York City, New York, by Ken Newman. After his death, the company would be run by his wife, CEO Sharon Newman, and their son, company president Seth Newman. The company was incorporated in 1976. Prior to moving online it was a smaller company than its competitors, focusing on selling directly to consumers instead of wholesale. The company launched its first website in 2000, and by 2001 was selling directly to consumers, corporations, organizations,…show more content…
Their use first became widespread in the UK when the British government took monopoly control of postal services and tasked Rowland Hill with its introduction. The new service was launched in May 1840 with a postage-paid machine-printed illustrated (or pictorial) version of the wrapper and the much-celebrated first adhesive postage stamp: the Penny Black- for the production of which the Jacob Perkins printing process was used to deter counter feting and forgery. The wrappers were printed and sold as a sheet of 12, with cutting the purchaser's task. Known as Macready stationery, because the illustration was created by the respected artist William Macready, the envelopes were withdrawn when the illustration was ridiculed and lampooned. Nevertheless the public apparently saw the convenience of the wrappers being available ready-shaped, and it must have been obvious that with the stamp available totally plain versions of the wrapper could be produced and postage prepaid by purchasing a stamp and affixing it to the wrapper once folded and secured. In this way although the postage-prepaid printed pictorial version died ignominiously, the diamond-shaped wrapper acquired de facto official status and…show more content…
In commercial printing the task of printing on machine-made envelopes is referred to as "overprinting" and is usually confined to the front of the envelope. If printing is required on all four flaps as well as the front, the process is referred to as "printing on the flat". Eye-catching illustrated envelopes or pictorial envelopes, the origins of which as an artistic genre can be attributed to the Mulready stationery - and which was printed in this way - are used extensively for direct mail. In this respect, direct mail envelopes have a shared history with propaganda envelopes (or "covers") as they are called by

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