Absolutism In Prussia, Austria, Russia

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Prussia, Austria, Russia During the eighteenth century, there were three main countries that tried to expand to new lengths of domestic and foreign policy (Spielvogel 536). These three central and easterly located countries were Prussia, Austria, and Russia; these three countries all believed in the increase of absolutism, the nation is ran by one ruler that only answers to god, and tried to execute different procedures in order to get to absolutism in the eighteenth century (Spielvogel 537). We know that one person cannot do it by themselves, so developing a system of bureaucracy and controlling the nobility is needed (Sielvogel 537). Some ideas were similar during this time period, but some countries had different main focuses. In result,…show more content…
Russia had a unique predicament to start off the eighteenth century as they were ruled by Peter III, who was mentally unfit to be the king (Spielvogel 539). His grandmother recognized this and immediately began looking to find a wife who was capable of keeping Russia together. Catherine II, sometimes called Catherine the Great and was German, was selected and learned the Russian way of life causing her to be liked by the people of Russia (Spielvogel 539). Magically, Peter III, and all the other successors to the thrown,m are murdered and Catherine II was accepted and took control as the Czar of Russia (Spielvogel 539). Her goal was to follow philosophers’, similar to Joseph III and Frederick I, but realized without support from the palace guard and gentry class, she could not be successful (Spielvogel 539). She attempted to reform and called for the election of assemble which discussed her new law code. After over a year of discussion, very little of her new laws were enacted into Russia. One idea that did come into effect, was that Russia was divided to into 50 provinces and in each province was multiple district (Spielvogel 539). Each district was then ruled by an official, someone of the upper class. Catherine II was favorability towards the upper class and that was one of her biggest mistakes as it led to a revolt against authority (Spielvogel 541). The leader of the revolts was the Cossacks, a strong independent group in Russia. The revolt group was led by Pugachev, who led the group to success (Spielvogel 541). Eventually Catherine II stopped the rebellion and regained control of Russia. She eventually had success as she conquered Polish land and expanded the nation (Spielvogel

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