ABC Family Stereotypes

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“There was an enchanted forest filled with all the classic characters we know. Or think we know. One day they found themselves trapped in a place where all their happy endings were stolen. Our World. This is how it happened.” (S1, E1) Open in on a lovely fairytale scene, the audience sees a man on a horse racing along the beach. With a red cape fanning out behind him and a determined look on his face he is the prince that any viewer could dream for. It is this ideal fairytale depiction that ABC Family and its parent company, The Walt Disney Company, has often fallen back on. In the case of Once Upon a Time, this is no exception. It is this depiction that has given the series 7 awards and 53 nominations (IMBD). However, unlike its previous…show more content…
Specifically women who average in age from 35 – 64. In 2014 ABC also lead the other networks in having the highest median income with 2/3 of its series being popular among audiences who have an income of $100,000 (Poggi). In order to appeal to these sort of audiences Once Upon a Time banks upon an almost soap opera type of portrayal. Throughout the first season viewers are sucked into this new-age fairytale world where they are forced to guess the true identity of each character through flashback scenes and subtle hints. By utilizing female leads ABC is also able to sell the series to its female audience. When looking at other fairytale based shows such as NBC’s GRIMM which has male leads and a more male oriented plot, one cannot help but see why Once Upon a Time would be more appealing (Poggi). The show also appeals to these women by giving them a heroine that could easily be any one of…show more content…
The network hosts other shows such as: Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, General Hospital, Castle, and American Crime, shows whose plotlines make Once Upon a Time appear family-friendly. (ABC). The American Broadcasting Company can trace its roots all the way back to 1926 when it was originally part of NBC’s Blue Network. After the FCC declared that no company could own more than one network the Blue Network was sold to Edward J Noble, who invented Life Savers candy, in 1943. Originally being renamed the American Broadcasting System, it was later changed to the American Broadcasting Company. In 1943 the company became interested in television, however it was not successful until it merged with Paramount Pictures. In 1954 the company made two very important alliances— one with producer Walt Disney, and one with Warner Brothers who gave the company many popular programs. ABC’s golden era began in 1975 with popular sitcoms such as Laverne and Shirley, Happy Days, and Three’s Company as well as more dramatic series such as Charlie’s Angels, The Love Boat, and Fantasy Island. In 1986 ABC was purchased by Capital Cities Broadcasting, and then acquired by The Walt Disney Company in 1995, bringing audiences the ABC that they have now (Erickson). It is through this upbringing that ABC is able to cater to a more mature

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