A Rose For Emily Change Analysis

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“A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner is the epitome of a character in a struggle against a harsh society undergoing a rapid cultural change. As Emily Grierson’s grasp on reality grows more and more weak over the course of the story, the South also experiences wide-spread change. The town of Jefferson, located in the South, is an example of that change. Jefferson is at a turning point, embracing a modern future while still resting on the fringe of the past. Examples of this would be the dwindling prestige of Emily’s home, to the town cemetery that holds the bodies of several Civil War soldiers. Faulkner uses this imagery to express the struggle that comes from trying to maintain tradition in the face of a profound change. Emily herself is a tradition, staying the same even though the community around her is changing. As a ‘living monument’ of the Old South, she in a way represents the traditions that people wish to respect and honor. The Grierson home also is a ‘monument’, the only remaining symbol of the…show more content…
From the beginning the Grandmother gives a great importance to what it means to be “a lady”. She reflects her ideas through a dated, aristocratic Southern mindset. From her talk with Red Sam, readers are able to tell that she longs for the good old days when children had manners, when people were trustworthy, and that there were many plantations that she could go to. All of these things lead to the Grandmother’s attachment to being “good” by coming from a decent family and acting like a proper member of her social class and those who do not are strangers. The many different characters and generations within the family are examples of the ways of the Old South and the New South. How the Grandmother views how the rest of the family dresses, acts, or speaks shows her disdain for how the South is turning out to

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