Alexander The Great's Turning Point In The History Of Macedonia

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The turning point in the history of Greek city-states and the Mediterranean region was the establishment of the empire of Alexander the Great. Macedonia is located to the north-east of Greece, its inhabitants called themselves the descendants of Macedonia, the son of Zeus. During the reign of the Macedonian king Philip II of his country has become a military power, and after the victory over the Persians, he managed to unite under his command Greece and Macedonia. His son Alexander, immediately after his father's death in 336 BC. e. proceeded to military conquests. Which facts of Alexander the Great's life were, retrospectively, more relevant in the building of his empire? Firstly, is his origin. Alexander was the son of the Macedonian king Philip II. His father was a talented commander and cautious politician who managed to strengthen Macedonia and make it the center of Greece. In addition, the paternal and maternal lines, Alexander was a descendant of Heracles and Perseus, the greatest heroes of Greek mythology. They, most likely, became an example for him to win and to create of a world-wide empire.…show more content…
The huge and weak army of the Persians had no chance against the Macedonians. However, Alexander the Great became a ruler of the world not because of his army, it’s because of his policies. His authority was based not on dogma but on a sober analysis of existing conditions and on finding practical solutions. He was guided by practical considerations, Alexander took few things on controlling an empire from the Persian Empire. Unlike his predecessors, Alexander treated the inhabitants of the conquered lands, not as a conqueror but as the rightful ruler of the state, respecting their

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