A Rose For Emily Living Change Essay

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The Living Change but the Dead Don’t Through further analysis of the text, it becomes apparent that death and time are major factors in the presentation of William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily, which has a young woman named Emily Grierson go through a period in her life where she is persistent in ignoring the death of those around her, and the change that comes with their absence. In my analysis, I will explore the possibility of Emily killing her lover and ignoring the outside world, because she refuses to change with the times and is not stable enough as an individual to pursue and independent life of her own. Towards the end of the text, Faulkner leaves a very depressing narration of how the elderly view time, “...confusing time with its mathematical progression, as the old do, to whom all the past is not a diminishing road, but, instead, a huge meadow which no winter ever quite touches, divided from them now by the narrow bottleneck of the most recent decade of years.” Here, we see that the elderly merely view the passage of time as a cycle, much like the seasons, where nothing seems to change, or rather they ignore the change and refuse to evolve with the coming years. For Emily Grierson, this was most of…show more content…
The fixed and fabricated life of hers was extended when Colonel Sartoris told her she is to not pay taxes, because the town owed her father a debt, and when the next generation comes, she is complacent with the care of two dead men as she refuses to pay taxes or respect the new authority of the town. After years of being cared for by these dead men in her life, she must have noticed a trend, especially when she encroached the possibility of being married to Homer Barron. Homer Barron was someone who filled the void in Emily’s unstable life. Part of the reason is that he provides both care, and love, which leads to some very dramatic

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