A Personal Accomplishment That Changed My Life

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A personal accomplishment that is important to me is when I lost about thirty pounds as a freshman in high school. I am most proud about my determination to do what was best for myself. I had always been overweight since I was a young girl. Throughout my elementary and middle school days, I went through a lot due to all the teasing about my weight. As a freshman, I became part of the junior varsity softball team and that is where my journey to lose weight began. I would exercise at our practices and although I later was not part of the team anymore, I continued exercising for myself. I was 160 pounds when I first started and I reached to being 126 pounds over the year. There were times I felt like giving up, but I knew this was important for my health. Therefore, I did not give up and this was a challenge that changed my life. I realized that sometimes you have to accomplish things by yourself and how there will be people who do not believe in you. I have stayed in this range of weight and started making decisions that will benefit me.…show more content…
There were times in which I would regain weight, but that did not stop me from attempting to lose it again. I have learned that hard work will pay off in the end. It is essential to always keep your focus on what is important to you and that will lead to your success. Throughout the years, I have opened my eyes on my self-worth. It is not about what others think of you, but about what you think of yourself. I learned that if I believe I can achieve something, then I can. One is their own biggest enemy, so it is important to begin loving yourself and become your own biggest supporter instead. Although there were times I felt like I have failed, I continued until I reached my goal

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