A Midsummer Night's Dream Research Paper

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Melo 1 Jordon Melo Mrs. Sheridan ENG1D1-06 Tuesday, November 18, 2014 A Midsummer Night's Dream Opinion Essay: Did Shakespeare believe that women were treated unequally to men? How would you feel if you were treated as if you were in a complete different social class compared to your other half? I'm guessing that not many people would agree with the above mentioned question. Shakespeare also believed that women were not treated equally and this can be proven throughout his play A Midsummer Night's Dream. Throughout the play Shakespeare created scenes in which prove that women were treated unequally. Firstly, when Hermia's father commanded her to marry Demetrius, the only other option she was given was to die or become a…show more content…
Shakespeare believed that women were not treated equally compared to men because they seemed weak, were abused and were forced into situations. The women in the play were being forced into situations in which they had very little options or no way out. For example, Hermia's father told her that she was to marry Demetrius or she would have die or become a nun. Hermia told her father "If I refuse to wed De metrius. (1.2.64)" and her father rebuttled by saying "Either to die the death, or to abjure for ever the society of men. (1.2.65-66)". This leaves her with very few options and a difficult decision to make. In the end she found no other way out of this marriage, other than running away with Lysander who later on became her husband. Due to the fact that women were pushed around because of force, they were perceived as being weak creatures that could not fend for themselves. The women in the play were being perceived as weak creatures that could not fend for themselves or even live on their own. For example, the lions were not allowed to roar too loud because they would "scare" the women, showing a sign of weakness since they could…show more content…
This quote is proof that women could not handle being on their own since they would not be able to defend or doing anything for themselves without being weak or sensitive. Most women were perceived as weak but there were some that stood out and were able to take on the males role and have ownership over others. The women in this play were not capable of doing things without the help of others let alone be alone by themselves. For example, the Queen, Titania, was a very strong influence through out the play because she broke the female stereotype and took ownership over certain things. When King Oberen tried taking the little Indian boy away from Titania she immediately stood up against him and took ownership over him due to the fact that the little boy belonged to an old friend of hers that past away. Puck who is a fairy was helping Oberen by trying to pour "love juice" into Titania's eyes so she would fall in love with a
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