A Midsummer Night's Dream Research Paper

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What does it take for the fight of love to ever come to an end? The story A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare is a romantic comedy that shows the battle the two men Lysander and Demetrius. These men both go through many trouble and failure to get the love of their life which is Hermia. There is a problem that is occurring in these men’s love. Lysander and Hermia are lovers and Demetrius comes in from the approval of Hermia father Egeus and he is forcing Hermia to marry Demetrius and even threading to kill her. Demetrius put his all to take Hermia away from Lysander by force as he is not willing to let go. As these two men are the main lovers throughout the story it shows the trials they go through for their love and how Helena…show more content…
These two men are courageous in there approach as they are fighting for Hermia and were always going to stay loyal to the women they love. An example of Lysander being brave and standing up was when he confronted Egeus telling him that he will marry his daughter. He tries his best to pursue his argument even using some comedy as he says”You have her father love, Demetrius Let me have Hermia’s…). As he is saying that since Egeus loves Demetrius so much why doesn’t he marry him while Lysander takes Hermia? Lysander knows how powerful of a man Egeus was and he was brave enough to speak over him. Demetrius also carried the similarity of devoted man that was not willing to lose Hermia as he takes his time to go search for Hermia. At this point in the story I get to find out how much Demetrius loves Hermia. This was really difficult for him because Helena the women that really loved Demetrius was throwing her body at her as she even states “And even for that do I love you the more. I am your spaniel. And, Demetrius, The more you beat me, I will fawn on you. Use me but as your spaniel—spurn me, strike me, Neglect me” (Scene ll, Act i, Line 187-195). Helena which was deeply in love with Demetrius was trying her best to find a way for him to love her. Demetrius had to stay strong and ignore her when he even knew that Hermia didn’t love him he was still looking for that…show more content…
From the two characters there attitude and approach to women are significantly different. Demetrius is portrait as more of a “bully“and more physically aggressive especially toward women when he was trying to run away from Helena in the woods he states “Stay, on thy peril; I alone will go “.(Scene II Act II Page 5) As he saying it to Helena as she is out of breath and would not give her second. Demetrius is trying to ditch her by herself in the woods. This shows that he not taking the gentlemen approach and Helena still loves him. Shows a lot about his character and the lack of respect he had towards women to try to leave her stranded in the woods. That led to the character trait of Lysander which is completely different as he was more characterized as sensitive and respectful. I would say this because he won Hermia by giving her gifts and sweets also serenading her from her window. This shows of how charming Lysander is and how he truly loves Hermia by doing all these small things in there relationship. The huge difference between the lover was that even though Hermia loved Lysander it was that Demetrius that had Egeus approval which played a huge role in it. Demetrius was more of an aggressive man while Lysander was more kind and insightful and it shows why Hermia liked Lysander better. Demetrius was more physical person which was always willing to fight and Lysander was not that aggressive but
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