Mental Illness In Prisons

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The underlying purpose of correctional systems is to punish those who are found guilty of misconducts. Prison serves as a rehabilitation facility, in hopes that the jailed will refrain from committing more crimes should they ever be released, and be a contributing member to society instead of a cost. Inmates are most commonly incarcerated, and in some countries, the death penalty and probation are also available, depending on how serious the circumstances. The correctional system is not only beneficial to the imprisoned as a way of teaching a lesson, but it serves a purpose for the rest of society by acting as a standard for what happens when you don’t keep in line or obey the law. Lastly, it functions as a safety zone for everyone else…show more content…
Mental illnesses can happen to anyone and everyone, at any given time, and it not only takes a toll on the individual, but their friends and family as well. Regardless of their nature, mental disorders are a serious matter. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association: “One in five adult Canadians (21.3 percent) will suffer a mental disorder in their lives. This figure translates into 4.5 million people.” This is an alarming number, considering it only includes Canadians. Mental illness costs the economy at least $50 billion annually (Mental Health Commission of Canada,…show more content…
Many of these disorders may be present before admission to prison, and may be further exacerbated by the stress of imprisonment. However, mental disorders may also develop during imprisonment itself as a consequence of prevailing conditions and also possibly due to torture or other human rights

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