A Comparison Of John Steinbeck's 'Of Mice And Men'

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IV. Set during the Great Depression, the novel introduces Lennie Small and George Milton, instantly exposing their true identity. The two men’s physical and mental portrayal emphasizes their individuality; Lennie being naïve and hefty, while George is a small, quick-witted man. Through their depictions, we can directly distinguish their distinct traits and defined personalities. As they come upon the Salinas River, both men react differently to the pool: Lennie rashly drinks and immerses himself into the water, while George on the other hand, is more prudent and questions its quality and purity. Without a doubt, their response to the same vignette indicates that as a person, Lennie executes reckless, lackadaisical decisions, whereas George is more discreet and observant.…show more content…
To me, his preachy nature towards Lennie depicts a parental characteristic, as he is often treating him like a child. Although, ironically enough, Lennie is burly and strong, his affectionate characteristic towards animals represents the idea that he enjoys the comfort of feeling safe and necessitates dependency in life. Steinbeck incorporates numerous similes describing Lennie such as “the way a bear drags his paws”, drinking from the pool “like a horse” or even Lennie fantasizing himself as a bear in a cave. Despite his amiable personality, these descriptions of him being immense and aggressive, induces my questioning of its negative connotation, possibly foreshadowing the future events that will soon
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