1894 Pullman Strike Analysis

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Getting home at the end of the day with the feeling of accomplishment because after all the energy and time being spent on the day, is a common task of an average United States’ worker because the result will probably be profitable and worth it. Even though there are still indifferences with labor, the sense of justice and fairness within the workplace is shown today, but it was not always civil and lawful. Recognizing the reason of workforce and labor laws with one of the most significant labor disruptions in the 19th century, the 1894 Pullman Strike, how it occurred through history and who were the main contributors to such change is important for someone living in 2014. Chicago, USA, the year was 1893; a population of three million people…show more content…
Their editorial opinion showed evidence of bias, specially the newspapers Chicago Tribune and Chicago Times that covered the news differently since the first full day of the local Pullman strike. In comparison of both titles, Chicago Tribune displayed the situation in a political way, favoring the government’s actions without abundant favoritism, but highlighting the negative details of the worker’s protest by focusing on the numerical evidence of the chaos to portray exaggeration of how wrong the protesters were acting. Chicago Times also did focus on numbers and statistics, but in a safe way where they would portray the protest as unnecessary because issues would soon to be resolved, almost denying the fact the a strike was needed but not blaming the workers in a negative way, only a portion of irrational ones were in charge of it. Both portray fears of anarchism and desire of law and order within a capitalist system, even though Chicago Tribune used severe words towards the suffering workers such as “drunk Anarchists and rebels”, being in more favor of the government by saying how it discordantly affects the system and not the reason why the people were speaking…show more content…
Chicago Tribune, July 7th, 1894 does not even states definite fact of how much losses were happening, but they show a possibly amount of money from property destruction, followed by offensive name calling towards the strikers. Tribune keeps repeating the word anarchy as if the rioters were completely free to do what they wish without any government interference because by doing that, they were favoring the business’ reputation and reason why they could not raise wages or do what they strikers wanted, and that only their actions of the riot were affecting the business, property, transportation and

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