1750 To 1900 Research Paper

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During the period from 1750 to 1900, Europe was undergoing vast economic changes. Europe, and most predominantly western Europe, was becoming largely industrialized. Britain emerged from the industrial revolution of the 18th century as the world’s industrial leader, but Belgium, France, and Germany increased their industrial output significantly as well. Due to the rapid industrialization, there was also a large population boom. More children were being born; a change in family structure is most evident in Great Britain during the first half of the nineteenth-century. Children were important in families because they were another source of income for the family. Unskilled labor positions were given to women and children who were paid lower wages. Having many children was considered an economic asset to the family in the industrial wage economy. During the late 18th century, not much thought was given to the safety of children, but by the 1900’s, it had become paramount.…show more content…
The act implemented many laws in order to benefit children in the workforce and protect them from the dangers of the mills and overworking. One important provision stated that children under 9 could not be employed in textile manufacture which was a large employer of child labor. The textile mills were also mandated to cover up or otherwise securely fence unsafe parts in the mill to keep children safe. The act also limited working hours for children aged 9-13 to only nine-hour days. However, the most important provision was that it required factory owners to pay for two hours of education per day for its child workers. The education requirement began the process of removing education from the home and family to a

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