What Is Man's Inhumanity In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In To Kill a Mockingbird, a novel written by Harper Lee, one of the biggest points of the novel, which Lee accurately writes of, is “man’s inhumanity to man.” The racial prejudice and injustice of the early to mid-1930’s resulted in much hardship to the vast majority of the black population of the Southern States of the U.S.A. Nowadays, racial prejudice and injustice is still, like in the 1930’s, a large part of society as a whole. In To Kill a Mockingbird, it is shown that the 1930’s were rather harsh times for the black population. The white population had the blacks working for them long hours, in terrible conditions and often in potentially dangerous situations for very little or even no pay. The black communities were separated still from the main towns and cities. Even though the black population was not a slave race, and after the…show more content…
Shown in To Kill a Mockingbird, white peoples that have good relations with the black communities were often called “nigger lovers”, insulting both the black population, and any who have friendly relations with them. In the novel, Lee wrote of a white man who did not care about such insults. He married a black woman. The people of Maycomb had thought he was merely too drunk to know just what he was doing as he was seen drinking from a bottle in a paper bag. However, he was not drinking whiskey as people thought; he was in-fact drinking Coca-Cola, a beverage still popular today. The reason this white man married the black woman was because he actually loved her, despite this being a concept the people of the town considered to be a ‘taboo’. He was one of only a few men in the town who did not dis-like the black community. In today’s world, relationships such as that in the novel are commonplace. People are much more accepting now, but there are many people who frown upon relationships between different races, due to their cultural

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