Women's Role In The Anti-Slavery Convention

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The 1800s were periods of growth of Americans, although not all had the privilege of being part of the developing side due to the situations most minorities were often dealing with, such as the lack of human rights. The United States was shaping to be a prosperous country, granting jobs and education, it developed as a producing and organized territory, with its own set of laws and governmental order, but not all were allowed the privileges of being an American citizen. America had a remaining influence from Europe, which led to their persistent desire for power and control, especially authority over territory. Certain groups were forced out of their lands and taken as slaves or as servants solely born in order to meet the whites’ desires. Blacks, Indians, and more often than not, women, were placed under the ideal white American male law; therefore, this led to the brutal dominance established over these groups. The issue of slavery is a constant…show more content…
By means of European influence, women have always been placed below men in the scale of power, and they are seen as having only one purpose which is to get married and have children, but movements seeking women’s rights have surged and one of the firsts was during the World Anti-Slavery Convention, in which William Lloyd Garrison complained about the exclusion of women in the convention. This event led to the surgence of two leaders of the movement, Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Stanton. In 1848 the first women’s rights convention was organized, but the nineteenth amendment of the constitution which granted women the right to vote was developed years later, but the first state in which women were allowed to vote was in Wyoming. Even though women encompassed about half of the population at the time, they were treated as a minority or as individuals with fewer capacities than

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