Essay On The Pantheon

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The Pantheon, whose name gets from the ancient Greek and signifies “common to all the gods”: Pan means “all”, and Theon means “gods”, is the best-preserved building from ancient Rome. Its magnificent dome is a lasting testimony to the genius of Roman architects and as the building stands virtually intact. The purpose of the building is not known for certain but rather the name, porch and pediment decoration suggest a temple or something to that influence. Be that as it may, no faction is known not of the divine beings, in this way the Pantheon may have been laid out as a place where the emperor could show up in a setting which helped spectators to remember his heavenly status, measure up to with other different gods of the Roman Pantheon and his idolized emperor antecedents. The Pantheon was built on the definite site of two earlier Pantheon structures, one commissioned by Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa (27-25 BCE) and the second by Domitian. The first building was destroyed by a fire in 80 CE and the second building was struck by lightning in 110 CE and again burned to the ground. The third building of the Pantheon was presumably started during the rule of Trajan (98-117 CE) yet not at long last completed until around 125 CE when Hadrian was emperor. Following Hadrian's standard practice of dedicating rebuilt structures and…show more content…
This was already dated to the 13th century, however, the 7th-century original was recently recovered under layers of over-painting. It is a rare survival of an icon from a period when they were a common feature in Roman churches. The apse is decorated with a golden mosaic featuring crosses. Some 2nd-century decoration from the temple can be found in the niche just to the right of the apse. The niche just to the right side of the entrance conveys a fresco of the Annunciation by Melozzo da Forlì (15th

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