Cuban Women's Movement

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The United States has had its hands in Latin America since the 1800s, but Yankee control through the area arose in earnest with the Spanish-American war in 1898. It was unrelenting, in spite of Cuba’s separation in 1959 but is now falling as liberal nations declare their liberation. Are women’s state of affairs shifting as an outcome of the leftward movement in Latin America? In the course of these liberations have come financial and social reforms, many of which have helped the female population of Latin America. In Cuba, the literacy rate for males and females are at 95%. Women make up 65% of college alumni and nearly 40% of women exist in the work place. Half of the doctors in Cuba and some 43% of deputies in the National Assembly are women.…show more content…
Laws like the Family Code (1975), which mandates for men to contribute in the same way as women, when it comes to domestic labor. It assurances identical rights to women and men in marital and divorce proceedings, and also allows for equal parental rights. Women played a major role in the revolution, including leadership roles. The Federation of Cuban Women (FMC), a non-governmental organization which has close ties to the government. The FMC is the national agency accountable for the growth of the women’s movement and is involved in all facets of the general public in encouraging equality. Crimes against women such as rape and sexual assault are harshly disciplined in Cuba. The Federation of Cuban Women travels Cuba trying to find hidden pockets of violence and try to set up a means of reporting these crimes and training communities on how to…show more content…
Perhaps the most paramount and revolutionary legislation was approved by Mexico City lawmakers, but not passed through the rest of the country in April 2007, which legalized abortion during the first trimester. The ruling was sent to and upheld by Mexico’s Supreme Court. Since the law was put into practice, there has been 5,845 women who have had legal abortions. Like Cuba and Venezuela, Mexico City has also employed a course of action meant to reduce sexual harassment of females while riding on public transport. They created a women-only bussing system in Mexico City in order to curve the problem. Furthermore, the city is working on a law that would make it easier to prosecute individuals found guilty of harassing women in public spaces. Other significant procedures involve the allowing of paternity leave. Which will not only indorse gender fairness, but will moreover aid in increasing awareness of men to participate in child care. But not all of Mexico enjoys such progressive thinking as Mexico City. Ciudad Juarez has a growing rape and murder culture amidst the young women, more than 600 since 1993. On average, fourteen women a day lose their life because of domestic violence claims in Mexico. Why? Because the law in eight states do not view domestic violence as a crime and twelve have no laws or penalties for rape in

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